Developer Machine Setup

If you run into any issues getting your environment set up, please check the Troubleshooting section at the bottom for common solutions.

Mac OS X

  1. Install Docker for Mac
  2. Add the following line to /etc/hosts
  • dockerhost
  1. Download Go 1.6 (Go 1.5 and earlier is not supported) and Node.js using Homebrew.
    1. Download Homebrew from
    2. brew install go
    3. brew install node
  2. Set up your Go workspace
    1. mkdir ~/go
    2. Add the following to your ~/.bash_profile
      • export GOPATH=$HOME/go
      • export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
      • ulimit -n 8096
      • If you don’t increase the file handle limit you may see some weird build issues with browserify or npm.
    3. Reload your bash profilesource ~/.bash_profile
    4. Set GOROOT (optional) in your ~/.bash_profile
      • export GOROOT=/usr/local/go/
  3. Fork Mattermost on from, then:
    1. cd ~/go
    2. mkdir -p src/
    3. cd src/
    4. git clone<username>/platform.git
    5. cd platform
  4. Run make run to start Mattermost
  5. Browse to http://localhost:8065 to create an account. The first account created has System Administrator privileges.
  6. You can stop Mattermost using make stop
  7. If you want to setup for cross compilation (required for the make package and dependant targets) run:
    • Note: You can skip the platform you are on because you have that target installed by default.
    • env GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go install std
    • env GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go install std
    • env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go install std

Any issues? Please let us know on our forums at:


  1. Download Docker, follow the instructions at
  2. Set up your dockerhost address
    1. Edit your /etc/hosts file to include the following line
      • dockerhost
  3. Install build essentials
    1. apt-get install build-essential
  4. Download Go 1.6 (Go 1.5 and earlier is not supported).
  5. Set up your Go workspace and add Go to the PATH
    1. mkdir ~/go
    2. Add the following to your ~/.bashrc
      • export GOPATH=$HOME/go
      • export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
      • ulimit -n 8096
      • If you don’t increase the file handle limit you may see some weird build issues with browserify or npm.
    3. Reload your bashrc
      • source ~/.bashrc
    4. Set GOROOT (optional) in your ~/.bash_profile
      • export GOROOT=/usr/local/go/
  6. Install Node.js
    • curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
    • sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  7. Fork Mattermost on from, then:
    1. cd ~/go
    2. mkdir -p src/
    3. cd src/
    4. git clone<username>/platform.git
    5. cd platform
  8. Run make run to start Mattermost
  9. Browse to http://localhost:8065 to create an account. The first account created has System Administrator privileges.
  10. You can stop Mattermost using make stop
  11. If you want to setup for cross compilation (required for the make package and dependant targets) run:
    • Note: You can skip the platform you are on because you have that target installed by default.
    • env GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go install std
    • env GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go install std
    • env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go install std

Any issues? Please let us know on our forums at:


  1. Install Docker

    1. pacman -S docker
    2. gpasswd -a user docker
    3. systemctl enable docker.service
    4. systemctl start docker.service
    5. newgrp docker
  2. Set up your dockerhost address

    1. Edit your /etc/hosts file to include the following line dockerhost
  3. Install Go

    1. pacman -S go
  4. Set up your Go workspace and add Go to the PATH

    1. mkdir ~/go
    2. Add the following to your ~/.bashrc
      • export GOPATH=$HOME/go
      • export GOROOT=/usr/lib/go
      • export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
    3. Reload your bashrc
      • source ~/.bashrc
    4. Set GOROOT (optional) in your ~/.bash_profile
      • export GOROOT=/usr/local/go/
  5. Edit /etc/security/limits.conf and add the following lines (replace username with your user):

        username    soft    nofile  8096  
        username    hard    nofile  8096  

    You will need to reboot after changing this. If you don’t increase the file handle limit you may see some weird build issues with browserify or npm.

  6. Install Node.js pacman -S nodejs npm

  7. Fork Mattermost on from, then:

    1. cd ~/go
    2. mkdir -p src/
    3. cd src/
    4. git clone<username>/platform.git
    5. cd platform
  8. Run make run to start Mattermost

  9. Browse to http://localhost:8065 to create an account. The first account created has System Administrator privileges.

  10. You can stop Mattermost using make stop

  11. If you want to setup for cross compilation (required for the make package and dependant targets) run:

    • Note: You can skip the platform you are on because you have that target installed by default.
    • env GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go install std
    • env GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go install std
    • env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go install std

Any issues? Please let us know on our forums at:


  1. Install and setup Docker

    1. If you are using Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise, you may use Docker for Windows
      1. Install Docker for Windows
      2. Add the line dockerhost to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts using a text editor with administrator privileges
    2. For other Windows versions, or if you prefer to use VirtualBox, use Docker Toolbox
      1. Install Docker Toolbox
      2. Run the Docker Quickstart Terminal and let it configure the default machine
      3. Run docker-machine ip default in the terminal to get default IP
      4. Add the line <Docker-IP> dockerhost to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts using a text editor with administrator privileges
  2. Download and install Node.js from

  3. Download and install Go from

  4. Fork Mattermost on from, then:

    1. cd ~/go
    2. mkdir -p src/
    3. cd src/
    4. git clone<username>/platform.git
    5. cd platform
    6. git config core.eol lf
    7. git config core.autocrlf input
    8. git reset --hard HEAD
  5. Install and setup babun from

  6. Setup the following environment variables (change the path accordingly):

    export PATH="/c/Program Files/go/bin":$PATH
    export PATH="/c/Program Files/nodejs":$PATH
    export PATH="/c/Program Files/Git/bin":$PATH    
    export GOROOT='c:\\Program Files\\go'
    export GOPATH='c:\\User\\<user-name\\go'
    export PATH="/c/Program Files/Docker Toolbox":$PATH #change the path accordingly if you are using Docker for Windows
    eval $(docker-machine env default) #skip this line if you are using Docker for Windows
  7. Run make run to start Mattermost

  8. You can now log in to Mattermost as the user you created in step 9

  9. If you want to setup for cross compilation (required for the make package and dependant targets) run:

    • Note: You can skip the platform you are on because you have that target installed by default.
    • env GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go install std
    • env GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go install std
    • env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go install std

Any issues? Please let us know on our forums at:


Build errors

I get the following error when running make run on Mac OS X: “Cannot connect ot the Docker daemon”

If you have Docker Tools installed (as opposed to Docker for Mac), you need make sure docker-machine is running with the following:

docker-machine start dev

I get the following error when running make run: “Failed to ping db err:dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused”

It appears that your MySQL database isn’t running. If you run docker ps, you should see a line like

ecb17c10973d    mysql:5.7  "/ mysql"   2 weeks ago    Up 24 hours>3306/tcp     mattermost-mysql

If not, running make clean-docker will remove all existing docker containers so that they’ll be recreated next time you call make run.

I get the following error when running make run: “Error starting server, err:listen tcp :8065: bind: address already in use”

There’s likely another Mattermost instance already running. You can use make stop to stop it before running make run again.

If there isn’t another copy of Mattermost running and you need to change the port that Mattermost is running on, you can do so by changing the ListenAddress setting in the ServiceSettings section of config/config.json.

Other errors

I don’t see any error messages, but I can’t access http://localhost:8065

It’s possible that the server reported an error, but it was missed because of all of the output from the Javascript compiler. Try running make run-server by itself to see its output. If you still don’t see any error messages, continue to the next section.

I don’t see anything logged to the console when Mattermost is running

You can enable console logging in the LogSettings section of your config/config.json by setting EnableConsole to true.

I can’t log into Mattermost because I don’t have an account

You can create an account using the following command:

go run mattermost.go -create_user -email="" -password="mypassword"

Optionally, you can make that account a System Admin with the following command:

go run mattermost.go -assign_role -email="" -role="system_admin system_user"