Local Machine Setup using Docker

The following instructions use Docker to install Mattermost in Preview Mode for exploring product functionality on a single machine using Docker.

Note: This configuration should not be used in production, as it’s using a known password string and contains other non-production configuration settings, and it does not support upgrade.

If you’re looking for a production installation with Docker, please see the Mattermost Production Docker Deployment Guide.

One-line Docker Install

If you have Docker set up, Mattermost installs in one-line:

docker run --name mattermost-preview -d --publish 8065:8065 mattermost/mattermost-preview

Otherwise, see step-by-step instructions:

Mac OS X

  1. Install Docker for Mac
  2. Run: docker run --name mattermost-preview -d --publish 8065:8065 mattermost/mattermost-preview
  3. When docker is done fetching the image, open http://localhost:8065/ in your browser.

Windows 10

  1. Install Docker for Windows
  2. Run: docker run --name mattermost-preview -d --publish 8065:8065 mattermost/mattermost-preview
  3. When docker is done fetching the image, open http://localhost:8065/ in your browser.


  1. Follow the instructions at https://docs.docker.com/installation/ubuntulinux/ or use the summary below:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install wget
    wget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh
    sudo usermod -aG docker <username>
    sudo service docker start
    newgrp docker
  2. Start docker container:

    docker run --name mattermost-preview -d --publish 8065:8065 mattermost/mattermost-preview
  3. When docker is done fetching the image, open http://localhost:8065/ in your browser.


  1. Install Docker using the following commands:

    pacman -S docker
    systemctl enable docker.service
    systemctl start docker.service
    gpasswd -a <username> docker
    newgrp docker
  2. Start Docker container:

    docker run --name mattermost-preview -d --publish 8065:8065 mattermost/mattermost-preview
  3. When Docker is done fetching the image, open http://localhost:8065/ in your browser.

Configuration Settings

See Configuration Settings documentation to customize your deployment.

Updating Docker Preview

To delete your existing Docker preview and run a new version use:

docker stop mattermost-preview
docker rm -v mattermost-preview

Accessing Your Container

  • If you wish to gain access to a shell on the container use:

    docker exec -ti mattermost-preview /bin/bash