Accepting Pull Requests

Per the Code Contribution Guidelines, other than small fixes and improvements, only pull requests referencing Jira tickets with the accepting pull requests (APR) label should be submitted to Mattermost projects. This ensures:

  1. Proposed changes have been unambiguously specified
  2. The change meets the fast, obvious, forgiving design principle for the project
  3. Volunteers are willing to test, document, support and maintain changes (authentication options are critical paths that need manual testing with each bi-monthly release in perpetuity)
  4. The change aligns to the stated purpose of the project

Key contributors and core team members nominate changes for APRs by opening a Jira ticket.

Nominating changes for Accepting Pull Request status

Jira tickets nominating a feature for APR status should include:

  1. Title clearly and concisely describes change proposed
  2. Title includes “(Proposed APR)” so triage knows to consider it for an accepting-pull-requests label
  3. Description is unambiuous and includes UI description and help text so feature can be implemented and tested by any contributor
  4. If related to a community discussion, include link to ticket in discussion and link to discussion in ticket

Tickets meeting APR criteria receive an accepting-pull-requests label by triage team and appear in APR list list.