Running Mattermost¶

To run changes to server-side code:
make stop
make test
make run
To run changes to client-side code:
make run

Client side code reloads automatically upon saving.

To clean the database:
make stop
make clean-docker
To clean the database, logs, and workspace:
make stop
make clean
To remove everything:
make stop
make nuke
To check styles of Go and JavaScript:
make check-style
To run a test SMTP server using Python:
sudo python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:25
To run a test SMTP server using Inbucket in the Mattermost Docker image:
make start-docker

When Docker starts, the SMTP server is available on port 2500. Username and password are not required. You can access Inbucket webmail on port 9000.