Team Settings

This documentation refers to Mattermost v3.0. For v2.2, see archived documentation.

The Team Settings menu offers Team Administrators and System Administrators the ability to adjust settings applied to a specific team.

The following settings are found in a Team Site from the Three-Dot menu at the top of the left sidebar under Team Settings.


General settings under the Team Settings > General configure how a team is displayed to users.

Team Name

Your Team Name is displayed on the sign-in page, and in the top of the left-hand sidebar for your team.

You can enter a name up to 15 characters in length. The length of team names is limited to ensure readability.

Allow anyone to join this team

After a user logs in to the site, they are shown a Team Selection page. Any team with Allow anyone to join this team option set to Yes will show up on this page under “Open teams you can join”.

Invite Code

The Invite Code is used as part of the URL in the team invitation link retrieved from the Main Menu > Get Team Invite Link. Click Re-Generate and then Save to generate a new team invitation link and invalidate the previous link.


Import from Slack (Beta)

You can import channels and users from Slack into Mattermost from Team Settings > Import. Please review our documentation on Slack Import for more details.