Theme Colors

The colors of the Mattermost user interface are customizable in Account Settings > Display > Theme. You can import your theme colors from Slack, customize the colors yourself, or choose from four standard themes designed by the Mattermost team.

In Enterprise Edition, if you belong to multiple teams, you can choose to apply any changes across teams by selecting “Apply New Theme to All Teams” before saving. If this is not selected, any changes are only applied to the current team.

Standard Themes

Select Theme Colors to choose from four standard themes designed by the Mattermost team. To make custom adjustments on the four standard theme colours, click a standard theme and then select Custom Theme to load the standard theme into the custom theme color selectors.

Import Theme from Slack

To import a theme, go to Preferences > Sidebar Theme from within Slack, open the custom theme option, copy the theme color vector and then paste it into the Input Slack Theme input box in Mattermost. Any theme settings that are not customizable in Slack will default to the “Mattermost” standard theme settings.

Custom Themes

Observe a live preview as you customize theme colors and then click Save to confirm your changes. Discard your changes by exiting the settings modal and clicking Yes, Discard.

Center Channel Styles

  • Center Channel BG: Color of the center pane, right-hand sidebar and all modal backgrounds.
  • Center Channel Text: Color of all the text - with the exception of mentions, links, hashtags and code blocks - in the center pane, right-hand sidebar and modals.
  • New Message Separator: The new massage separator appears below the last read message when you click into a channel with unread messages.
  • Mention Highlight BG: Highlight color behind your words that trigger mentions in the center pane and right-hand sidebar.
  • Mention Highlight Link: Text color of your words that trigger mentions in the center pane and right-hand sidebar.
  • Code Theme: Background and syntax colors for all code blocks.

Exporting a Custom Theme

You can export a theme by copying the “Theme Code” from the Custom Theme menu.

Go to Account Settings > Display > Custom Theme > Copy and paste to share theme colors and copy the theme code to export it.

Importing a Custom Theme

You can import a theme by pasting a “Theme Code” into the Custom Theme menu.

Go to Account Settings > Display > Custom Theme > Copy and paste to share theme colors and paste a theme code to import it, then click Save.

You can find sample themes below. You can also find theme codes shared by the community from the Mattermost community forum..

Custom Theme Examples

Customize your theme colors and share them with others by copying and pasting theme vectors into the input box. Below are some example themes with their corresponding theme vectors.







