Configuration Settings

Mattermost configuration settings are maintained in the configuration file config.json, located in the mattermost/config directory. You can modify the configuration file using the System Console, or by using a text editor to modify it directly.

The default location of config.json is in the mattermost/config directory. Mattermost must have write permissions to config.json, otherwise changes made in the System Console will have no effect.

Environment Variables Starting in Mattermost version 3.8, you can use environment variables to manage the configuration. Environment variables override settings in config.json. If a change to a setting in config.json requires a restart for it to take effect, then changes to the corresponding environment variable also require a server restart.

The name of the environment variable for any setting can be derived from the name of that setting in config.json.

For example, to derive the name of the Site URL setting:

  1. Find the setting in config.json. In this case, ServiceSettings.SiteURL.
  2. Add MM_ to the beginning and convert all characters to uppercase and replace the . with _. For example, MM_SERVICESETTINGS_SITEURL.
  3. The setting becomes export MM_SERVICESETTINGS_SITEURL=""

For any setting that is not set in config.json or in environment variables, the Mattermost server uses the default value as documented here.


General settings for server configuration, language defaults, user and team management, privacy, compliance reporting and logs.


Site URL

The URL that users will use to access Mattermost. The port number is required if it’s not a standard port such as 80 or 443.

This field is required in Mattermost v3.8 and later.


Do not append a team name to the end of the site URL.

Correct example:

Incorrect example:

This feature’s config.json setting is "SiteURL": "" with string input.

Listen Address

The address and port to which to bind and listen. Specifying ”:8065” will bind to all network interfaces. Specifying will only bind to the network interface having that IP address.

If you choose a port of a lower level (called “system ports” or “well-known ports”, in the range of 0-1023), you must have permissions to bind to that port.

On Linux you can use: sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep ./bin/platform to allow Mattermost to bind to well-known ports.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ListenAddress": ":8065" with string input

Connection Security

None: Mattermost will connect over an unsecure connection.

TLS: Encrypts the communication between Mattermost and your server. See documentation for more details.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ConnectionSecurity": "" with options "" and TLS for the above settings respectively

TLS Certificate File

The path to the certificate file to use for TLS connection security.

This feature’s config.json setting is "TLSCertFile": "" with string input

TLS Key File

The path to the TLS key file to use for TLS connection security.

This feature’s config.json setting is "TLSKeyFile": "" with string input

Use Let’s Encrypt

True: Enable the automatic retrieval of certificates from Let’s Encrypt. The certificate will be retrieved when a client attempts to connect from a new domain. This will work with multiple domains. See Configuring TLS on Mattermost Server for more details on setting up Let’s Encrypt.

False: Manual certificate specification based on the TLS Certificate File and TLS Key File specified above.

This feature’s config.json setting is "UseLetsEncrypt": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Let’s Encrypt Certificate Cache File

The path to the file where certificates and other data about the Let’s Encrypt service will be stored.

This feature’s config.json setting is "LetsEncryptCertificateCacheFile": "./config/letsencrypt.cache" with string input.

Forward port 80 to 443

True: Forwards all insecure traffic from port 80 to secure port 443.

False: When using a proxy such as NGINX in front of Mattermost this setting is unnecessary and should be set to false.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Forward80To443": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Read Timeout

Maximum time allowed from when the connection is accepted to when the request body is fully read.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ReadTimeout": 300 with string input

Write Timeout

If using HTTP (insecure), this is the maximum time allowed from the end of reading the request headers until the response is written. If using HTTPS, it is the total time from when the connection is accepted until the response is written.

This feature’s config.json setting is "WriteTimeout": 300 with string input

Allow use of API v3 endpoints

Set to false to disable all version 3 endpoints of the REST API. Integrations that rely on API v3 will fail and can then be identified for migration to API v4. API v3 is deprecated and will be removed in the near future. See for details.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableAPIv3": true with options true and false.

Webserver Mode

gzip compression applies to the HTML, CSS, Javascript, and other static content files that make up the Mattermost web client. It is recommended to enable gzip to improve performance unless your environment has specific restrictions, such as a web proxy that distributes gzip files poorly. This setting requires a server restart to take effect.

gzip: The Mattermost server will serve static files compressed with gzip to improve performance.

Uncompressed: The Mattermost server will serve static files uncompressed.

Disabled: The Mattermost server will not serve static files.

This feature’s config.json setting is "WebserverMode": "gzip" with options gzip, uncompressed and disabled for above settings respectively.

Reload Configuration from Disk

Available in Enterprise Edition E20

This button resets the configuration settings by reloading the settings from the disk. The server will still need to be restarted if a setting requiring server restart was changed.

The workflow for failover without downing the server is to change the database line in the config.json file, click Reload Configuration from Disk then click Recycle Database Connections in the Advanced > Database section.

Purge All Caches

This button purges all the in-memory caches for sessions, accounts and channels. Deployments using High Availability will attempt to purge all the servers in the cluster. Purging the caches may adversely impact performance.


Default Server Language

Default language for system messages and logs. Changing this will require a server restart before taking effect.

This feature’s config.json setting is "DefaultServerLocale": "en" with options de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, nl, pl, pt-br, ru, tr, zh_CN and zh_TW

Default Client Language

Default language for newly created users and pages where the user hasn’t logged in.

This feature’s config.json setting is "DefaultClientLocale": "en" with options de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, nl, pl, pt-br, ru, tr, zh_CN and zh_TW

Available Languages

Sets which languages are available for users in Account Settings > Display > Languages. Leave the field blank to add new languages automatically by default, or add new languages using the dropdown menu manually as they become available. If you’re manually adding new languages, the Default Client Language must be added before saving the setting.

Note: Servers which upgraded to v3.1 need to manually set this field blank to have new languages added by default.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AvailableLocales": "" with options "", de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, nl, pl, pt-br, ru, tr, zh_CN and zh_TW

Users and Teams

Enable Account Creation

True: Ability to create new accounts is enabled via inviting new members or sharing the team invite link.

False: Ability to create accounts is disabled. The Create Account button displays an error when trying to signup via an email invite or team invite link.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableUserCreation": true with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Enable Team Creation

True: Ability to create a new team is enabled for all users.

False: Only System Administrators can create teams from the team selection page. The Create A New Team button is hidden in the main menu UI.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableTeamCreation": true with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Max Users Per Team

Maximum number of users per team, excluding inactive users.

The Max Users Per Team refers to the size of the “team site” which is workspace a “team of people” inhabits. A team of people is considered a small organization where people work closely together towards a specific shared goal and share the same etiquette. In the physical world, a team of people could typically be seated around a single table to have a meal and discuss their project.

The default maximum of 50 people, is at the extreme high end of a single team of people. At this point organizations are more often “multiple teams of people” and investments in explicitly defining etiquette, such as channel organization or turning on policy features in Enterprise Edition, are often used to scale the high levels of productivity found in a team of people using Mattermost to multiple teams of people.

In terms of technical performance, with appropriate hardware, Mattermost can easily scale to hundreds and even thousands of users, and provided the administrator believes the appropriate etiquette is in place, they should feel free to increase the default value.

This feature’s config.json setting is "MaxUsersPerTeam": 50 with whole number input.

Max Channels Per Team

Maximum number of channels per team, including both active and deleted channels.

This feature’s config.json setting is "MaxChannelsPerTeam": 2000 with whole number input.

Max Notifications Per Channel

Maximum total number of users in a channel before @all, @here, and @channel no longer send notifications to maximize performance.

This feature’s config.json setting is "MaxNotificationsPerChannel": 1000 with whole number input.

Restrict account creation to specified email domains

Teams and user accounts can only be created by a verified email from this list of comma-separated domains (e.g. “,”).

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictCreationToDomains": "" with string input.

Restrict Team Names

Removed in November 16th, 2016 release

True: Newly created team names cannot contain the following restricted words: www, web, admin, support, notify, test, demo, mail, team, channel, internal, localhost, dockerhost, stag, post, cluster, api, oauth.

False: Newly created team names are not restricted.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictTeamNames": true with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Enable users to open Direct Message channels with

Any user on the Mattermost server: The Direct Messages “More” menu has the option to open a Direct Message channel with any user on the server.

Any member of the team: The Direct Messages “More” menu only has the option to open a Direct Message channel with users on the current team. If a user belongs to multiple teams, direct messages will still be received regardless of what team they are currently on.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictDirectMessage": "any" with options any and team for above settings respectively.

Enable Team Directory

Removed in May 16th, 2016 release

True: Teams that are configured to appear in the team directory will appear on the system main page. Teams can configure this setting from Team Settings > Include this team in the Team Directory.

False: Team directory on the system main page is disabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableTeamListing": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Teammate Name Display

Specifies how names are displayed in the user interface.

Show username: Displays the user’s username.

Show nickname if one exists: Displays the user’s nickname. If the user does not have a nickname, their full name is displayed. If the user does not have a full name, their username is displayed.

Show first and last name: Displays the user’s full name. If the user does not have a full name, their username is displayed. Recommended when using SAML or LDAP if first name and last name attributes are configured.

This feature’s config.json setting is "TeammateNameDisplay": "username" with options username, nickname_full_name, and full_name.


Available in Enterprise Edition E10 and higher

Settings to configure the permission restrictions for sending team invite links and managing channels.

Enable sending team invites from

Set policy on who can invite others to a team using the Send Email Invite, Get Team Invite Link, and Add Members to Team options on the main menu. If Get Team Invite Link is used to share a link, you can expire the invite code from Team Settings > Invite Code after the desired users have joined the team. Options include:

All team members: Allows any team member to invite others using an email invitation or team invite link.

Team and System Admins: Hides the email invitation and team invite link in the Main Menu from users who are not Team Admins or System Admins.

System Admins: Hides the email invitation and team invite link in the Main Menu from users who are not System Admins.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictTeamInvite": "all" with options all, team_admin and system_admin for above settings respectively.

Enable public channel creation for

Restrict the permission level required to create public channels.

All team members: Allow all team members to create public channels.

Team Admins and System Admins: Restrict creating public channels to Team Admins and System Admins.

System Admins: Restrict creating public channels to System Admins.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictPublicChannelCreation": "all" with options all, team_admin and system_admin for above settings respectively.

Enable public channel renaming for

Restrict the permission level required to rename and set the header or purpose for public channels.

All channel members: Allow all channel members to rename public channels.

Channel Admins, Team Admins, and System Admins: Restrict renaming public channels to Channel Admins, Team Admins, and System Admins that are members of the channel.

Team Admins and System Admins: Restrict renaming public channels to Team Admins and System Admins that are members of the channel.

System Admins: Restrict renaming public channels to System Admins that are members of the channel.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictPublicChannelManagement": "all" with options all, channel_admin, team_admin, and system_admin for above settings respectively.

Enable public channel deletion for

Restrict the permission level required to delete public channels. Deleted channels can be recovered from the database using a command line tool. The last member of a public channel has the ability to delete the channel regardless of their permission level.

All channel members: Allow all channel members to delete public channels.

Channel Admins, Team Admins, and System Admins: Restrict deleting public channels to Channel Admins, Team Admins, and System Admins that are members of the channel.

Team Admins and System Admins: Restrict deleting public channels to Team Admins and System Admins that are members of the channel.

System Admins: Restrict deleting public channels to System Admins that are members of the channel.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictPublicChannelDeletion": "all" with options all, channel_admin, team_admin, and system_admin for above settings respectively.

Enable private channel creation for

Restrict the permission level required to create private channels.

All team members: Allow all team members to create private channels.

Team Admins and System Admins: Restrict creating private channels to Team Admins and System Admins.

System Admins: Restrict creating private channels to System Admins.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictPrivateChannelCreation": "all" with options all, team_admin and system_admin for above settings respectively.

Enable private channel renaming for

Restrict the permission level required to rename and set the header or purpose for private channels.

All channel members: Allow all channel members to rename private channels.

Channel Admins, Team Admins, and System Admins: Restrict renaming private channels to Channel Admins, Team Admins, and System Admins that are members of the private channel.

Team Admins and System Admins: Restrict renaming private channels to Team Admins and System Admins that are members of the private channel.

System Admins: Restrict renaming private channels to System Admins that are members of the private channel.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictPrivateChannelManagement": "all" with options all, channel_admin, team_admin, and system_admin for above settings respectively.

Enable private channel deletion for

Restrict the permission level required to delete private channels. Deleted channels can be recovered from the database using a command line tool. The last member of a private channel has the ability to delete the channel regardless of their permission level.

All channel members: Allow all channel members to delete private channels.

Channel Admins, Team Admins, and System Admins: Restrict deleting private channels to Channel Admins, Team Admins, and System Admins that are members of the private channel.

Team Admins and System Admins: Restrict deleting private channels to Team Admins and System Admins that are members of the private channel.

System Admins: Restrict deleting private channels to System Admins that are members of the private channel.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictPrivateChannelDeletion": "all" with options all, channel_admin, team_admin, and system_admin for above settings respectively.

Enable managing of private channel members for

Set policy on who can add and remove members from private channels.

All team members: Allow all team members to add and remove members.

Team Admins, Channel Admins, and System Admins: Allow only Team Admins, Channel Admins, and System Admins to add and remove members.

Team Admins, and System Admins: Allow only Team Admins and System Admins to add and remove members.

System Admins: Allow only System Admins to add and remove members.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictPrivateChannelManageMembers": "all" with options all, channel_admin, team_admin, and system_admin for above settings respectively.

Allow which users to delete messages

Restrict the permission level required to delete messages. Team Admins, Channel Admins, and System Admins can delete messages only in channels where they are members. Messages can be deleted anytime.

Message authors can delete their own messages, and Administrators can delete any message: Allow authors to delete their own messages, and allow Team Admins, Channel Admins, and System Admins to delete any message.

Team Admins and System Admins: Allow only Team Admins and System Admins to delete messages.

System Admins: Allow only System Admins to delete messages.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictPostDelete": "all" with options all, team_admin and system_admin for above settings respectively.

Allow users to edit their messages

Set the time limit that users have to edit their messages after posting.

Any time: Allow users to edit their messages at any time after posting.

Never: Do not allow users to edit their messages.

{n} seconds after posting: Users can edit their messages within the specified time limit after posting.

This feature has two settings in config.json. The first setting is "AllowEditPost": "always" with options always, never, and time_limit.

The second setting is "PostEditTimeLimit": 300 with whole number input. To enable PostEditTimeLimit, set AllowEditPost to time_limit.

Enable Announcement Banner

Enable an announcement banner across all teams. The banner is displayed at the top of the screen and is the entire width of the screen. By default, users can dismiss the banner until you either change the text of the banner or until you re-enable the banner after it has been disabled. You can prevent users from dismissing the banner, and you can control the text color and the background color.

True: Enable the announcement banner. The banner is displayed only if BannerText has a value.

False: Disable the announcement banner.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableBanner": false with options true and false.

Allow Banner Dismissal

True: Users can dismiss the banner until the next time they log in or the banner is updated.

False: The banner is permanently visible until it is turned off by the System Admin.

This feature’s config.json setting is ""AllowBannerDismissal": true with options true and false.


Settings to configure the name and email privacy of users on your system.

Show Email Address

True: Show email address of all users.

False: Hide email address of users from other users in the user interface, including Team Admins. This is designed for managing teams where users choose to keep their contact information private. System Administrators will still be able to see email addresses in the UI.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ShowEmailAddress": true with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Show Full Name

True: Show full name of all users.

False: hide full name of users from other users including Team Admins. This is designed for managing teams where users choose to keep their contact information private. System Administrators will still be able to see full names in the UI.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ShowFullName": true with options true and false for above settings respectively.


Available in Enterprise Edition E20

Settings used to enable and configure Mattermost compliance reports.

Enable Compliance Reporting

True: Compliance reporting is enabled in Mattermost.

False: Compliance reporting is disabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Enable": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Compliance Report Directory

Sets the directory where compliance reports are written.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Directory": "./data/" with string input.

Enable Daily Report

True: Mattermost generates a daily compliance report.

False: Daily reports are not generated.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableDaily": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.


Output logs to console

True: Output log messages to the console based on ConsoleLevel option. The server writes messages to the standard output stream (stdout).

False: Output log messages are not written to the console.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableConsole": true with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Console Log Level

Level of detail at which log events are written to the console when EnableConsole = true.

DEBUG: Prints high detail for developers debugging issues.

ERROR: Outputs only error messages.

INFO: Outputs error messages and information around startup and initialization.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ConsoleLevel": "DEBUG" with options DEBUG, ERROR and INFO for above settings respectively.

Output logs to file

Typically set to true in production. When true, logged events are written to the mattermost.log file in the directory specified by the FileLocation setting. The logs are rotated at 10,000 lines and archived to a file in the same directory, and given a name with a datestamp and serial number. For example, mattermost.2017-03-31.001.

True: Log files are written to files specified in FileLocation.

False: Log files are not written.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableFile": true with options true and false for above settings respectively.

File Log Level

Level of detail at which log events are written to log files when EnableFile = true.

ERROR: Outputs only error messages.

INFO: Outputs error messages and information around startup and initialization.

DEBUG: Prints high detail for developers debugging issues.

This feature’s config.json setting is "FileLevel": "INFO" with options DEBUG, ERROR and INFO for above settings respectively.

File Log Directory

The location of the log files. If blank, they are stored in the ./logs directory. The path that you set must exist and Mattermost must have write permissions in it.

This feature’s config.json setting is "FileLocation": "" with string input.

File Log Format

Format of log message output. If blank, FileFormat = “[%D %T] [%L] (%S) %M”, where:

%T Time (15:04:05 MST)
%t Time (15:04)
%D Date (2006/01/02)
%d Date (01/02/06)
%S Source
%M Message
This feature’s config.json setting is "FileFormat": "" with string input.

Enable Webhook Debugging

True: Contents of incoming webhooks are printed to log files for debugging.

False: Contents of incoming webhooks are not printed to log files.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableWebhookDebugging": true with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Enable Diagnostics and Error Reporting

True: To improve the quality and performance of future Mattermost updates, this option sends error reporting and diagnostic information to Mattermost, Inc. To learn more about this feature, see Telemetry.

False: Diagnostics and error reporting are disabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableDiagnostics": true with options true and false for above settings respectively.


Authentication settings to enable account creation and sign in with email, GitLab, Google or Office 365 OAuth, AD/LDAP, or SAML.

Email Auth

Enable account creation with email

True: Allow team creation and account signup using email and password.

False: Email signup is disabled. This limits signup to single sign-on services like OAuth or AD/LDAP.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableSignUpWithEmail": true with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Enable sign-in with email

True: Mattermost allows users to sign in using their email and password.

False: Sign in with email is disabled and does not appear on the login screen.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableSignInWithEmail": true with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Enable sign-in with username

True: Mattermost allows users to sign in using their username and password. This setting is typically only used when email verification is disabled.

False: sign in with username is disabled and does not appear on the login screen.

This feature’s config.json setting is EnableSignInWithUsername": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

OAuth 2.0

Available in Enterprise Edition E10 and higher

Settings to configure OAuth login for account creation and login.

Select OAuth 2.0 service provider:

Choose whether OAuth can be used for account creation and login. Options include:

This feature’s setting does not appear in config.json.


Enable authentication with GitLab

True: Allow team creation and account signup using GitLab OAuth. To configure, input the Secret and Id credentials.

False: GitLab OAuth cannot be used for team creation or account signup.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Enable": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Note: For Enterprise, GitLab settigs can be found under OAuth 2.0

Application ID

Obtain this value by logging into your GitLab account. Go to Profile Settings > Applications > New Application, enter a Name, then enter Redirect URLs https://<your-mattermost-url>/login/gitlab/complete (example: and https://<your-mattermost-url>/signup/gitlab/complete.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Id": "" with string input.

Application Secret Key

Obtain this value by logging into your GitLab account. Go to Profile Settings > Applications > New Application, enter a Name, then enter Redirect URLs https://<your-mattermost-url>/login/gitlab/complete (example: and https://<your-mattermost-url>/signup/gitlab/complete.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Secret": "" with string input.

User API Endpoint

Enter https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v3/user (example: Use HTTP or HTTPS depending on how your server is configured.

This feature’s config.json setting is "UserApiEndpoint": "" with string input.

Auth Endpoint

Enter https://<your-gitlab-url>/oauth/authorize (example: Use HTTP or HTTPS depending on how your server is configured.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AuthEndpoint": "" with string input.

Token Endpoint

Enter https://<your-gitlab-url>/oauth/token (example: Use HTTP or HTTPS depending on how your server is configured.

This feature’s config.json setting is "TokenEndpoint": "" with string input.


Available in Enterprise Edition E20

Enable authentication with Google by selecting Google Apps from OAuth 2.0 > Select OAuth 2.0 service provider

True: Allow team creation and account signup using Google OAuth. To configure, input the Client ID and Client Secret credentials. See Documentation for more detail.

False: Google OAuth cannot be used for team creation or account signup.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Enable": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Client ID

Obtain this value by registering Mattermost as an application in your Google account.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Id": "" with string input.

Client Secret

Obtain this value by registering Mattermost as an application in your Google account.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Secret": "" with string input.

User API Endpoint

It is recommended to use as the User API Endpoint. Otherwise, enter a custom endpoint in config.json with HTTP or HTTPS depending on how your server is configured.

This feature’s config.json setting is "UserApiEndpoint": "" with string input.

Auth Endpoint

It is recommended to use as the Auth Endpoint. Otherwise, enter a custom endpoint in config.json with HTTP or HTTPS depending on how your server is configured.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AuthEndpoint": "" with string input.

Token Endpoint

It is recommended to use as the Token Endpoint. Otherwise, enter a custom endpoint in config.json with HTTP or HTTPS depending on how your server is configured.

This feature’s config.json setting is "TokenEndpoint": "" with string input.

Office 365

Available in Enterprise Edition E20

Enable authentication with Office 365 by selecting Office 365 (Beta) from OAuth 2.0 > Select OAuth 2.0 service provider

True: Allow team creation and account signup using Office 365 OAuth. To configure, input the Application ID and Application Secret Password credentials. See Documentation for more detail.

False: Office 365 OAuth cannot be used for team creation or account signup.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Enable": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Application ID

Obtain this value by registering Mattermost as an application in your Microsoft or Office account.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Id": "" with string input.

Application Secret Password

Obtain this value by registering Mattermost as an application in your Microsoft or Office account.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Secret": "" with string input.

User API Endpoint

It is recommended to use as the User API Endpoint. Otherwise, enter a custom endpoint in config.json with HTTP or HTTPS depending on how your server is configured.

This feature’s config.json setting is "UserApiEndpoint": "" with string input.

Auth Endpoint

It is recommended to use as the Auth Endpoint. Otherwise, enter a custom endpoint in config.json with HTTP or HTTPS depending on how your server is configured.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AuthEndpoint": "" with string input.

Token Endpoint

It is recommended to use as the Token Endpoint. Otherwise, enter a custom endpoint in config.json with HTTP or HTTPS depending on how your server is configured.

This feature’s config.json setting is "TokenEndpoint": "" with string input.


Available in Enterprise Edition E10 and higher

Enable sign-in with AD/LDAP

True: Mattermost allows login using AD/LDAP or Active Directory.

False: Login with AD/LDAP is disabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Enable": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

AD/LDAP Server

The domain or IP address of the AD/LDAP server.

This feature’s config.json setting is "LdapServer": "" with string input.


The port Mattermost will use to connect to the AD/LDAP server. Default is 389.

This feature’s config.json setting is "LdapPort": 389 with numerical input.

Connection Security

The type of connection security Mattermost uses to connect to AD/LDAP.

None: No encryption, Mattermost will not attempt to establish an encrypted connection to the AD/LDAP server.

TLS: Encrypts the communication between Mattermost and your server using TLS.

STARTTLS: Takes an existing insecure connection and attempts to upgrade it to a secure connection using TLS.

If the “No encryption” option is selected it is highly recommended that the AD/LDAP connection is secured outside of Mattermost, for example, by adding a stunnel proxy.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ConnectionSecurity": "" with options "", TLS and STARTTLS for above settings respectively.

Skip Certificate Verification

(Optional) The attribute in the AD/LDAP server that will be used to populate the nickname of users in Mattermost.

True: Skips the certificate verification step for TLS or STARTTLS connections. Not recommended for production environments where TLS is required. For testing only.

False: Mattermost does not skip certificate verification.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SkipCertificateVerification": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Base DN

The Base Distinguished Name of the location where Mattermost should start its search for users in the AD/LDAP tree.

This feature’s config.json setting is "BaseDN": "" with string input.

Bind Username

The username used to perform the AD/LDAP search. This should be an account created specifically for use with Mattermost Its permissions should be limited to read-only access to the portion of the AD/LDAP tree specified in the Base DN field. When using Active Directory, Bind Username should specify domain in DOMAIN/username format. This field is required, and anonymous bind is not currently supported.

This feature’s config.json setting is "BindUsername": "" with string input.

Bind Password

Password of the user given in Bind Username. This field is required, and anonymous bind is not currently supported.

This feature’s config.json setting is "BindPassword": "" with string input.

User Filter

(Optional) Enter an AD/LDAP Filter to use when searching for user objects (accepts general syntax). Only the users selected by the query will be able to access Mattermost. For Active Directory, the query to filter out disabled users is (&(objectCategory=Person)(!(UserAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)))

This filter uses the permissions of the Bind Username account to execute the search. Administrators should make sure to use a specially created account for Bind Username with read-only access to the portion of the AD/LDAP tree specified in the Base DN field.

This feature’s config.json setting is "UserFilter": "" with string input.

First Name Attribute

(Optional) The attribute in the AD/LDAP server that will be used to populate the first name of users in Mattermost. When set, users will not be able to edit their First Name, since it is synchronized with the LDAP server. When left blank, users can set their own First Name in Account Settings.

This feature’s config.json setting is "FirstNameAttribute": "" with string input.

Last Name Attribute

(Optional) The attribute in the AD/LDAP server that will be used to populate the last name of users in Mattermost. When set, users will not be able to edit their Last Name, since it is synchronized with the LDAP server. When blank, users can set their own Last Name in Account Settings.

This feature’s config.json setting is "LastNameAttribute": "" with string input.

Nickname Attribute

(Optional) The attribute in the AD/LDAP server that will be used to populate the nickname of users in Mattermost. When set, users will not be able to edit their Nickname, since it is synchronized with the LDAP server. When blank, users can set their own Nickname in Account Settings.

This feature’s config.json setting is "NicknameAttribute": "" with string input.

Position Attribute

(Optional) The attribute in the AD/LDAP server that will be used to populate the position field in Mattermost (typically used to describe a person’s job title or role at the company). When set, users will not be able to edit their position, since it is synchronized with the LDAP server. When blank, users can set their own Position in Account Settings.

This feature’s config.json setting is "PositionAttribute": "" with string input.

Email Attribute

The attribute in the AD/LDAP server that will be used to populate the email addresses of users in Mattermost.

Email notifications will be sent to this email address, and this email address may be viewable by other Mattermost users depending on privacy settings choosen by the System Admin.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EmailAttribute": "" with string input.

Username Attribute

The attribute in the AD/LDAP server that will be used to populate the username field in Mattermost user interface. This attribute will be used within the Mattermost user interface to identify and mention users. For example, if a Username Attribute is set to john.smith a user typing @john will see @john.smith in their auto-complete options and posting a message with @john.smith will send a notification to that user that they’ve been mentioned.

The Username Attribute may be set to the same value used to sign-in to the system, called an ID Attribute, or it can be mapped to a different value.

This feature’s config.json setting is "UsernameAttribute": "" with string input.

ID Attribute

The attribute in the AD/LDAP server that will be used as a unique identifier in Mattermost. It serves two purposes:

This value is used to sign in to Mattermost in the AD/LDAP Username field on the sign in page. This attribute can be the same as the Username Attribute field above, which is what is used to identify users in the Mattermost interface, or it can be a different value, for example a User ID number. If your team typically uses DOMAIN\username to sign in to other services with AD/LDAP, you may enter a field name that maps to DOMAIN\username to maintain consistency between sites.

This is the attribute that will be used to create unique Mattermost accounts. This attribute should be an AD/LDAP attribute with a value that does not change, such as username or uid. If a user’s ID Attribute changes and the user attempts to login the Mattermost server will attempt to create a new Mattermost user account based on the new ID Attribute and fail since new Mattermost users accounts can’t be created with duplicate email addresses or Mattermost usernames (as defined in the Username Attribute).

This feature’s config.json setting is "IdAttribute": "" with string input.

Login Field Name

The placeholder text that appears in the login field on the login page. Typically this would be whatever name is used to refer to AD/LDAP credentials in your company, so it is recognizable to your users. Defaults to AD/LDAP Username.

This feature’s config.json setting is "LoginFieldName": "" with string input.

Synchronization Interval (minutes)

Set how often Mattermost accounts synchronize attributes with AD/LDAP, in minutes. When synchronizing, Mattermost queries AD/LDAP for relevant account information and updates Mattermost accounts based on changes to attributes (first name, last name, and nickname). When accounts are disabled in AD/LDAP users are made inactive in Mattermost, and their active sessions are revoked once Mattermost synchronizes attributes. To synchronize immediately after disabling an account, use the “AD/LDAP Synchronize Now” button.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SyncIntervalMinutes": 60 with whole number input.

Maximum Page Size

The maximum number of users the Mattermost server will request from the AD/LDAP server at one time. Use this setting if your AD/LDAP server limits the number of users that can be requested at once. 0 is unlimited.

This feature’s config.json setting is "MaxPageSize": 0 with whole number input.

Query Timeout (seconds)

The timeout value for queries to the AD/LDAP server. Increase this value if you are getting timeout errors caused by a slow AD/LDAP server.

This feature’s config.json setting is "QueryTimeout": 60 with whole number input.

AD/LDAP Synchronize Now

This button causes AD/LDAP synchronization to occur as soon as it is pressed. Use it whenever you have made a change in the AD/LDAP server you want to take effect immediately. After using the button, the next AD/LDAP synchronization will occur after the time specified by the Synchronization Interval.


This button can be used to test the connection to the AD/LDAP server. If the test us successful, it shows a confirmation message and if there is a problem with the configuration settings it will show an error message.


Available in Enterprise Edition E20

Enable Login With SAML

True: Mattermost allows login using SAML. Please see documentation to learn more about configuring SAML for Mattermost.

False: Login with SAML is disabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Enable": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.


The URL where Mattermost sends a SAML request to start login sequence.

This feature’s config.json setting is "IdpURL": "" with string input.

Identity Provider Issuer URL

The issuer URL for the Identity Provider you use for SAML requests.

This feature’s config.json setting is "IdpDescriptorUrl": "" with string input.

Identity Provider Public Certificate

The public authentication certificate issued by your Identity Provider.

This feature’s config.json setting is "IdpCertificateFile": "" with string input.

Verify Signature

True: Mattermost verifies that the signature sent from the SAML Response matches the Service Provider Login URL.

False: Not recommended for production environments. For testing only.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Verify": true with options true and false.

Service Provider Login URL

Enter https://<your-mattermost-url>/login/sso/saml (example: Make sure you use HTTP or HTTPS in your URL depending on your server configuration. This field is also known as the Assertion Consumer Service URL.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AssertionConsumerServiceURL": "" with string input.

Enable Encryption

True: Mattermost will decrypt SAML Assertions encrypted with your Service Provider Public Certificate.

False: Not recommended for production environments. For testing only.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Encrypt": true with options true and false.

Service Provider Private Key

The private key used to decrypt SAML Assertions from the Identity Provider.

This feature’s config.json setting is "PrivateKeyFile": "" with string input.

Service Provider Public Certificate

The certificate file used to generate the signature on a SAML request to the Identity Provider for a service provider initiated SAML login, when Mattermost is the Service Provider.

This feature’s config.json setting is "PublicCertificateFile": "" with string input.

Email Attribute

The attribute in the SAML Assertion that will be used to populate the email addresses of users in Mattermost.

Email notifications will be sent to this email address, and this email address may be viewable by other Mattermost users depending on privacy settings choosen by the System Admin.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EmailAttribute": "" with string input.

Username Attribute

The attribute in the SAML Assertion that will be used to populate the username field in Mattermost user interface. This attribute will be used within the Mattermost user interface to identify and mention users. For example, if a Username Attribute is set to john.smith a user typing @john will see @john.smith in their auto-complete options and posting a message with @john.smith will send a notification to that user that they’ve been mentioned.

This feature’s config.json setting is "UsernameAttribute": "" with string input.

First Name Attribute

(Optional) The attribute in the SAML Assertion that will be used to populate the first name of users in Mattermost.

This feature’s config.json setting is "FirstNameAttribute": "" with string input.

Last Name Attribute

(Optional) The attribute in the SAML Assertion that will be used to populate the last name of users in Mattermost.

This feature’s config.json setting is "LastNameAttribute": "" with string input.

Nickname Attribute

(Optional) The attribute in the SAML Assertion that will be used to populate the nickname of users in Mattermost.

This feature’s config.json setting is "NicknameAttribute": "" with string input.

Position Attribute

(Optional) The attribute in the SAML Assertion that will be used to populate the position field for users in Mattermost (typically used to describe a person’s job title or role at the company).

This feature’s config.json setting is "PositionAttribute": "" with string input.

Preferred Language Attribute

(Optional) The attribute in the SAML Assertion that will be used to populate the language of users in Mattermost.

This feature’s config.json setting is "LocaleAttribute": "" with string input.

Login Button Text

(Optional) The text that appears in the login button on the login page. Defaults to With SAML.

This feature’s config.json setting is "LoginButtonText": "" with string input.


Available in Enterprise Edition E10 and higher

Configure security settings for multi-factor authentication.

The default recommendation for secure deployment is to host Mattermost within your own private network, with VPN clients on mobile, so everything works under your existing security policies and authentication protocols, which may already include multi-factor authentication.

If you choose to run Mattermost outside your private network, bypassing your existing security protocols, it is recommended you upgrade to Mattermost Enterprise Edition to set up a multi-factor authentication service specifically for accessing Mattermost.

True: When true, users with LDAP and email authentication will be given the option to require a phone-based passcode, in addition to their password-based authentication, to sign-in to the Mattermost server. Specifically, they will be asked to download the Google Authenticator app to their iOS or Android mobile device, connect the app with their account, and then enter a passcode generated by the app on their phone whenever they log in to the Mattermost server.

False: Multi-factor authentication is disabled.

True: When true, multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required for login. New users will be required to configure MFA on sign-up. Logged in users without MFA configured are redirected to the MFA setup page until configuration is complete. If your system has users with login options other than AD/LDAP and email, MFA must be enforced with the authentication provider outside of Mattermost.

False: Multi-factor authentication is optional.


Configure security settings for account creation, login, public links and connection requests.

Sign Up

Require Email Verification

True: Require email verification after account creation prior to allowing login.

False: Users do not need to verify their email address prior to login. Developers may set this field to false so skip sending verification emails for faster development.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RequireEmailVerification": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Email Invite Salt

32-character (to be randomly generated via System Console) salt added to signing of email invites. Click Regenerate to create new salt.

This feature’s config.json setting is "InviteSalt": "" with string input.

Enable Open Server

True: Users can sign up to the server from the root page without an invite.

False: Users can only sign up to the server if they receive an invite.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableOpenServer": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.


Minimum Password Length

Available in Enterprise Edition E10 and higher

Minimum number of characters required for a valid password. Must be a whole number greater than or equal to 5 and less than or equal to 64.

This feature’s config.json setting is "MinimumLength": 5" with whole number input.

Password Requirements

Available in Enterprise Edition E10 and higher

Set the required character types to be included in a valid password. Defaults to allow any characters unless otherwise specified by the checkboxes. The error messasage previewed in the System Console will appear on the account creation page if a user enters an invalid password.

  • At least one lowercase letter: Select this checkbox if a valid password must contain at least one lowercase letter.
  • At least one uppercase letter: Select this checkbox if a valid password must contain at least one uppercase letter.
  • At least one number: Select this checkbox if a valid password must contain at least one number.
  • At least one symbol: Select this checkbox if a valid password must contain at least one symbol. Valid symbols include: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`|~

This feature’s config.json settings are, respectively:

"Lowercase": false with options true and false
"Number": false with options true and false
"Uppercase": false with options true and false
"Symbol": false with options true and false

Maximum Login Attempts

Failed login attempts allowed before a user is locked out and required to reset their password via email.

This feature’s config.json setting is "MaximumLoginAttempts": 10 with whole number input.


Session length for email and AD/LDAP authentication (days)

Set the number of days before web sessions expire and users will need to log in again.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SessionLengthWebInDays" : 30 with whole number input.

Session length for mobile apps (days)

Set the number of days before native mobile sessions expire.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SessionLengthMobileInDays" : 30 with whole number input.

Session length for GitLab SSO authentication (days)

Set the number of days before SSO sessions expire.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SessionLengthSSOInDays" : 30 with whole number input.

Session Cache (minutes)

Set the number of minutes to cache a session in memory.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SessionCacheInMinutes" : 10 with whole number input.


Enable cross-origin requests from

Enable HTTP cross-origin requests from specific domains separated by spaces. Type * to allow CORS from any domain or leave it blank to disable it.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AllowCorsFrom": "" with string input.

Enable Insecure Outgoing Connections

True: Outgoing HTTPS requests can accept unverified, self-signed certificates. For example, outgoing webhooks to a server with a self-signed TLS certificate, using any domain, will be allowed.

False: Only secure HTTPS requests are allowed.

Security note: Enabling this feature makes these connections susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableInsecureOutgoingConnections": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.


Settings to configure email and mobile push notifications.


Enable Email Notifications

True: Enables sending of email notifications.

False: Disables email notifications for developers who may want to skip email setup for faster development. Setting this to true removes the Preview Mode: Email notifications have not been configured banner (requires logging out and logging back in after setting is changed)

This feature’s config.json setting is "SendEmailNotifications": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Enable Email Batching

True: Users can select how often to receive email notifications, and multiple notifications within that timeframe will be combined into a single email, configurable in Account Settings > Notifications. Note: Email batching cannot be enabled unless the SiteURL is configured and High Availability is disabled.

False: If email notifications are enabled in Account Settings, emails will be sent individually for every mention or direct message received.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableEmailBatching": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Notification Display Name

Name displayed on email account used when sending notification emails from Mattermost system.

This feature’s config.json setting is "FeedbackName": "" with string input.

Notification From Address

Address displayed on email account used when sending notification emails from Mattermost system.

So you don’t miss messages, please make sure to change this value to an email your system administrator receives, example:

This feature’s config.json setting is "FeedbackEmail": "" with string input.

SMTP Server Username

Obtain this credential from the administrator setting up your email server.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SMTPUsername": "" with string input.

SMTP Server Password

Obtain this credential from the administrator setting up your email server.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SMTPPassword": "" with string input.

SMTP Server

Location of SMTP email server.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SMTPServer": "" with string input.

SMTP Server Port

Port of SMTP email server.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SMTPPort": "" with string input.

Connection Security

"": Send email over an unsecure connection.

PLAIN: Mattermost will connect and authenticate over an unsecure connection.

TLS: Communication between Mattermost and your email server is encrypted.

STARTTLS: Attempts to upgrade an existing insecure connection to a secure connection using TLS.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ConnectionSecurity": "" with options "", PLAIN, TLS and STARTTLS for above settings respectively.

Enable Security Alerts

True: Enable System Admins to be notified by email if a relevant security fix alert is announced. Requires email to be enabled. To learn more about this feature, see Telemetry.

False: Security alerts are disabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableSecurityFixAlert": true with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Mobile Push

Enable Push Notifications

True: Your Mattermost server sends mobile push notifications to the server specified in PushNotificationServer.

False: Mobile push notifications are disabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SendPushNotifications": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Push Notification Server

Location of Mattermost Push Notification Service (MPNS), which re-sends push notifications from Mattermost to services like Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) and Google Cloud Messaging (GCM).

To confirm push notifications are working, connect to the Mattermost iOS App on iTunes or the Mattermost Android App on Google Play:

  • For Enterprise Edition, enter
  • For Team Edition, enter

Please review full documentation on push Notifications and mobile applications including guidance on compiling your own mobile apps and MPNS before deploying to production.

Note: The provided for testing push notifications prior to compiling your own service please make sure to read about its limitations.

This feature’s config.json setting is "PushNotificationServer": "" with string input.

Push Notification Contents

Send generic description with user and channel names: Selecting “Send generic description with user and channel names” provides push notifications with generic messages, including names of users and channels but no specific details from the message text.

Send full message snippet: Selecting “Send full message snippet” sends excerpts from messages triggering notifications with specifics and may include confidential information sent in messages. If your Push Notification Service is outside your firewall, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED this option only be used with an “https” protocol to encrypt the connection.

This feature’s config.json setting is "PushNotificationContents": "generic" with options generic and full for above settings respectively.

Troubleshooting Push Notifications

To confirm push notifications are working:

  1. Go to System Console > Notifications > Mobile Push > Send Push Notifications and select Use iOS and Android apps on iTunes and Google Play with TPNS.
  2. Set Push Notification Server to if using Enterprise Edition. If using Team Edition, set the value to
  3. To confirm push notifications are working, connect to the Mattermost iOS App on iTunes or the Mattermost Android App on Google Play and log in to your team site.
  4. Close the app on your device, and close any other connections to your team site.
  5. Wait 5 minutes and have another team member send you a direct message, which should trigger a push notification to the Mattermost app on your mobile device.
  6. You should receive a push notification on your device alerting you of the direct message.

If you did not receive an alert:

  1. Set System Console > General > Logging > File Log Level to DEBUG (make sure to set this back to INFO after troubleshooting to save disk space).
  2. Repeat the above steps.
  3. Go to System Console > Logs and copy the log output into a file.
  4. For Enterprise Edition customers, submit a support request with the file attached. For Team Edition users, please start a thread in the Troubleshooting forum for peer-to-peer support.


Settings to configure webhooks, slash commands and external integration services.

Custom Integrations

Enable Incoming Webhooks

Developers building integrations can create webhook URLs for public channels and private channels. Please see our documentation page to learn about creating webhooks, view samples, and to let the community know about integrations you have built.

True: Incoming webhooks will be allowed. To manage incoming webhooks, go to Account Settings > Integrations. The webhook URLs created in Account Settings can be used by external applications to create posts in any public or private channels that you have access to.

False: The Integrations > Incoming Webhooks section of Account Settings is hidden and all incoming webhooks are disabled.

Security note: By enabling this feature, users may be able to perform phishing attacks by attempting to impersonate other users. To combat these attacks, a BOT tag appears next to all posts from a webhook. Enable at your own risk.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableIncomingWebhooks": true with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Enable Outgoing Webhooks

Developers building integrations can create webhook tokens for public channels. Trigger words are used to fire new message events to external integrations. For security reasons, outgoing webhooks are only available in public channels. Please see our documentation page to learn about creating webhooks and view samples.

True: Outgoing webhooks will be allowed. To manage outgoing webhooks, go to Account Settings > Integrations.

False: The Integrations > Outgoing Webhooks section of Account Settings is hidden and all outgoing webhooks are disabled.

Security note: By enabling this feature, users may be able to perform phishing attacks by attempting to impersonate other users. To combat these attacks, a BOT tag appears next to all posts from a webhook. Enable at your own risk.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableOutgoingWebhooks": true with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Enable Custom Slash Commands

Slash commands send events to external integrations that send a response back to Mattermost.

True: Allow users to create custom slash commands from Main Menu > Integrations > Commands.

False: Slash Commands are hidden in the Integrations user interface.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableCommands": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Enable OAuth 2.0 Service Provider

True: Mattermost acts as an OAuth 2.0 service provider allowing Mattermost to authorize API requests from external applications.

False: Mattermost does not function as an OAuth 2.0 service provider.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableOAuthServiceProvider": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Restrict managing integrations to Admins

True: When true, webhooks and slash commands can only be created, edited and viewed by Team and System Admins, and OAuth 2.0 applications by System Admins. Integrations are available to all users after they have been created by the Admin.

False: Any team members can create webhooks, slash commands and OAuth 2.0 applications from Main Menu > Integrations.

Note: OAuth 2.0 applications can be authorized by all users if they have the Client ID and Client Secret for an app setup on the server.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableOnlyAdminIntegrations": true with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Enable integrations to override usernames

True: Webhooks, slash commands, OAuth 2.0 apps, and other integrations such as Zapier, will be allowed to change the username they are posting as. If no username is present, the username for the post is the same as it would be for a setting of False.

False: Custom slash commands can only post as the username of the user who used the slash command. OAuth 2.0 apps can only post as the username of the user who set up the integration. For incoming webhooks and outgoing webhooks, the username is “webhook”. See for more details.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnablePostUsernameOverride": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Enable integrations to override profile picture icons

True: Webhooks, slash commands and other integrations, such as Zapier, will be allowed to change the profile picture they post with.

False: Webhooks, slash commands and OAuth 2.0 apps can only post with the profile picture of the account they were set up with. See for more details.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnablePostIconOverride": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

WebRTC (Beta)

Enable Mattermost WebRTC

True: Mattermost will allow making one-on-one video calls on Chrome, Firefox and Mattermost Desktop Apps on a server running in SSL mode.

False: Mattermost doesn’t allow one-on-one video calls.

Note: To enable the Mattermost WebRTC service, the System Administrator agrees to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Enable": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Gateway Websocket URL

This is the websocket used to signal and establish communication between the peers. Enter wss://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<port>. Make sure you use WS or WSS in your URL depending on your server configuration.

This feature’s config.json setting is "GatewayWebsocketUrl": "" with string input

Gateway Admin URL

Mattermost WebRTC uses this URL to obtain valid tokens for each peer to establish the connection. Enter https://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<port>/admin. Make sure you use HTTP or HTTPS in your URL depending on your server configuration.

This feature’s config.json setting is "GatewayAdminUrl": "" with string input

Gateway Admin Secret

Enter your admin secret password to access the Gateway Admin URL.

This feature’s config.json setting is "GatewayAdminSecret": "" with string input


Enter your STUN URI as stun:<your-stun-url>:<port>. STUN is a standardized network protocol to allow an end host to assist devices to access its public IP address if it is located behind a NAT.

This feature’s config.json setting is "StunURI": "" with string input


Enter your TURN URI as turn:<your-turn-url>:<port>. TURN is a standardized network protocol to allow an end host to assist devices to establish a connection by using a relay public IP address if it is located behind a symmetric NAT.

This feature’s config.json setting is "TurnURI": "" with string input

TURN Username

Enter your TURN Server Username.

This feature’s config.json setting is "TurnUsername": "" with string input

TURN Shared Key

Enter your TURN Server Shared Key. This is used to created dynamic passwords to establish the connection. Each password is valid for a short period of time.

This feature’s config.json setting is "TurnSharedKey": "" with string input

External Services

Google API Key

Mattermost offers the ability to embed YouTube videos from URLs shared by end users. Set this key to enable the display of titles for embedded YouTube video previews. Without the key, YouTube previews will still be created based on hyperlinks appearing in messages or comments but they will not show the video title. If Google detects the number of views is exceedingly high, they may throttle embed access. Should this occur, you can remove the throttle by registering for a Google Developer Key and entering it in this field following these instructions: Your Google Developer Key is used in client-side Javascript.

Using a Google API Key allows Mattermost to detect when a video is no longer available and display the post with a Video not found label.

This feature’s config.json setting is "GoogleDeveloperKey": "" with string input.


Settings to configure files storage and image handling.


File Storage System

Storage system where files and image attachments are saved.

Local File System: Files and images are stored in the specified local file directory.

Amazon S3: Files and images are stored on Amazon S3 based on the provided access key, bucket and region fields. The amazons3 driver is compatible with Minio (Beta) based on the provided access key, bucket and region fields.

This feature’s config.json setting is "DriverName": "local" with options local and amazons3 for above settings respectively.

Local Storage Directory

Directory to which files are written. If blank, directory will be set to ./data/.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Directory": "./data/" with string input.

Amazon S3 Access Key ID

Obtain this credential from your Amazon AWS administrator.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AmazonS3AccessKeyId": "" with string input.

Amazon S3 Secret Access Key

Obtain this credential from your Amazon AWS administrator.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AmazonS3SecretAccessKey": "" with string input.

Amazon S3 Bucket

Name you selected for your S3 bucket in AWS.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AmazonS3Bucket": "" with string input.

Amazon S3 Endpoint

Hostname of your S3 Compatible Storage provider. Defaults to

This feature’s config.json setting is "AmazonS3Endpoint": "" with string input.

Secure Amazon S3 Connections

True: Enables only secure Amazon S3 Connections.

False: Allows insecure connections to Amazon S3.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AmazonS3SSL": true with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Enable File Attachments

When false, users cannot upload files and images by attaching them to messages.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableFileAttachments": true with options true and false.

Maximum File Size

Maximum file size for message attachments entered in megabytes in the System Console UI. Converted to bytes in config.json at 1048576 bytes per megabyte.

This feature’s config.json setting is "MaxFileSize": 52428800 with whole number input.


Verify server memory can support your setting choice. Large file sizes increase the risk of server crashes and failed uploads due to network disruptions.


Attachment Thumbnail Width

Removed in July 16th, 2017 release

Width of thumbnails generated from uploaded images. Updating this value changes how thumbnail images render in future, but does not change images created in the past.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ThumbnailWidth": 120 with whole number input.

Attachment Thumbnail Height

Removed in July 16th, 2017 release

Height of thumbnails generated from uploaded images. Updating this value changes how thumbnail images render in future, but does not change images created in the past.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ThumbnailHeight": 100 with whole number input.

Image Preview Width

Removed in July 16th, 2017 release

Maximum width of preview image. Updating this value changes how preview images render in future, but does not change images created in the past.

This feature’s config.json setting is "PreviewWidth": 1024 with whole number input.

Image Preview Height

Removed in July 16th, 2017 release

Maximum height of preview image (“0”: Sets to auto-size). Updating this value changes how preview images render in future, but does not change images created in the past.

This feature’s config.json setting is "PreviewHeight": 0 with whole number input.

Profile Picture Width

Removed in July 16th, 2017 release

The width to which profile pictures are resized after being uploaded via Account Settings.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ProfileWidth": 128 with whole number input.

Profile Picture Height

Removed in July 16th, 2017 release

The height to which profile pictures are resized after being uploaded via Account Settings.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ProfileHeight": 128 with whole number input.


Settings to customize your deployment with custom branding and legal and support links.

Custom Branding

Site Name

Name of service shown in login screens and UI. Maximum 30 characters.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SiteName": "Mattermost" with string input.

Enable Custom Branding

Available in Enterprise Edition E10 and higher

True: Enables custom branding to show a JPG image some custom text on the server login page.

False: Custom branding is disabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableCustomBrand": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Custom Brand Image

Available in Enterprise Edition E10 and higher

Custom JPG image is displayed on left side of server login page. Recommended maximum image size is less than 2 MB because image will be loaded for every user who logs in.

This features has no config.json setting and must be set in the System Console user interface.

Custom Brand Text

Available in Enterprise Edition E10 and higher

Custom text will be shown below custom brand image on left side of server login page. Maximum 500 characters allowed. You can format this text using the same Markdown formatting codes as using in Mattermost messages.

This feature’s config.json setting is "CustomBrandText": "" with string input.

Site Description

Available in Enterprise Edition E10 and higher Description of service shown in login screens and UI. When not specified, “All team communication in one place, searchable and accessible anywhere” is displayed.

This feature’s config.json setting is "CustomDescriptionText": "" with string input.

Enable Emoji Picker

True: Enables an emoji picker that allows users to select emoji to add as reactions or use in messages. Enabling the emoji picker with a large number of custom emoji may slow down performance.

False: Emoji picker is disabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableCustomEmoji": true with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Enable Custom Emoji

True: Enables a Custom Emoji option in the Main Menu, where users can go to create customized emoji.

False: Custom emojis are disabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableCustomEmoji": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Restrict Custom Emoji Creation

Available in Enterprise Edition E10 and higher

Allow everyone to create custom emoji: Allows everyone to create custom emoji from the Main Menu > Custom Emoji.

Allow System and Team Admins to create custom emoji: The Custom Emoji option is hidden from the Main Menu for users who are not System or Team Admins.

Only allow System Admins to create custom emoji: The Custom Emoji option is hidden from the Main Menu for users who are not System or Team Admins.

This feature’s config.json setting is "RestrictCustomEmojiCreation": "all" with options all, admin and system_admin for above settings respectively.


Advanced settings to configure rate limiting, databases and developer options.

Rate Limiting

Changing properties in this section will require a server restart before taking effect.

Enable Rate Limiting

True: APIs are throttled at the rate specified by PerSec.

False: APIs are not throttled.

Maximum Queries per Second

Throttle API at this number of requests per second if rate limiting is enabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "PerSec": 10 with whole number input.

Maximum Burst Size

Maximum number of requests allowed beyond the per second query limit.

This feature’s config.json setting is "MaxBurst": 100 with whole number input.

Memory Store Size

Maximum number of user sessions connected to the system as determined by VaryByRemoteAddr and VaryByHeader variables.

Typically set to the number of users in the system.

This feature’s config.json setting is "MemoryStoreSize": 10000 with whole number input.

Vary rate limit by remote address

True: Rate limit API access by IP address. Recommended to set to true if you’re using a proxy.

False: Rate limiting does not vary by IP address.

This feature’s config.json setting is "VaryByRemoteAddr": true with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Vary rate limit by HTTP header

Vary rate limiting by HTTP header field specified (e.g. when configuring Ngnix set to “X-Real-IP”, when configuring AmazonELB set to “X-Forwarded-For”). Recommended to be set if you’re using a proxy.

This feature’s config.json setting is "VaryByHeader": "" with string input.


Changing properties in this section will require a server restart before taking effect.

Driver Name

This setting can only be changed from config.json file, it cannot be changed from the System Console user interface.

mysql: enables driver to MySQL database.

postgres: enables driver to PostgreSQL database.

This feature’s config.json setting is "DriverName": "mysql" with string input.

Data Source

This is the connection string to the master database. When DriverName =”postgres” then use a connection string in the form postgres://mmuser:password@localhost:5432/mattermost_test?sslmode=disable&connect_timeout=10. This setting can only be changed from config.json file, it cannot be changed from the System Console user interface.

This feature’s config.json setting is "DataSource": "" with string input.

Maximum Idle Connections

Maximum number of idle connections held open to the database.

This feature’s config.json setting is "MaxIdleConns": 10 with whole number input.

Maximum Open Connections

Maximum number of open connections held open to the database.

This feature’s config.json setting is "MaxOpenConns": 10 with whole number input.

SQL Query Timeout

The number of seconds to wait for a response from the database after opening a connection and sending the query. Errors that you see in the UI or in the logs as a result of a query timeout can vary depending on the type of query.

This feature’s config.json setting is "QueryTimeout": 30 with whole number input, in the SqlSettings section.

At Rest Encrypt Key

32-character (to be randomly generated via Admin Console) salt available to encrypt and decrypt sensitive fields in database.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AtRestEncryptKey": "" with string input.


True: Executing SQL statements are written to the log for development.

False: SQL statements are not written to the log.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Trace": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Recycle Database Connections

Available in Enterprise Edition E20

This button reconnects to the database listed in the configuration settings. All old connections are closed after 20s.

The workflow for failover without downing the server is to change the database line in the config.json file, click Reload Configuration from Disk in the General > Configuration section then click Recycle Database Connections.


Enable Testing Commands

True: /test slash command is enabled to load test accounts and test data.

False: /test slash command is disabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableTesting": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Enable Developer Mode

True: Javascript errors are shown in a purple bar at the top of the user interface. Not recommended for use in production.

False: Users are not alerted to Javascript errors.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableDeveloper": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

High Availability

Available in Enterprise Edition E20

Changing properties in this section will require a server restart before taking effect.

When High Availability mode is enabled, the System Console is set to read-only and settings can only be changed by editing the configuration file directly. However, for testing and validating a High Availability setup, you can set ReadOnlyConfig to false, which allows changes made in the System Console to be saved back to the configuration file.

To learn more about configuring High Availability, see High Availability Cluster.

Enable High Availability Mode

True: The Mattermost Server will attempt inter-node communication with the other servers in the cluster that have the same Cluster Name. This sets the System Console to read-only mode to keep the servers config.json files in sync.

False: Mattermost high availability is disabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Enable": false with options true and false.

Cluster Name

The cluster to join by name. Only nodes with the same cluster name will join together. This is to support Blue-Green deployments or staging pointing to the same database.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ClusterName": "" with string input.

Override Hostname

If blank, Mattermost attempts to get the Hostname from the OS or use the IP Address. You can override the hostname of this server with this property. It is not recommended to override the Hostname unless needed. This property can also be set to a specific IP Address if needed.

This feature’s config.json setting is "OverrideHostname": "" with string input.

Use IP Address

True: The cluster attempts to communicate using the IP Address.

False: The cluster attempts to communicate using the hostname.

This feature’s config.json setting is "UseIpAddress": true with options true and false.

Use Experimental Gossip

True: The server attempts to communicate via the gossip protocol over the gossip port.

False: The server attempts to communicate over the streaming port.

Note that the gossip port and gossip protocol are used to determine cluster health even when this setting is false.

This feature’s config.json setting is "UseExperimentalGossip": false with options true and false.

Read Only Config

True: Changes made to settings in the System Console are ignored.

False: Changes made to settings in the System Console are written to config.json.

When running in production it is recommended to set this to true.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ReadOnlyConfig": true with options true and false.

Gossip Port

The port used for the gossip protocol. Both UDP and TCP should be allowed on this port.

This feature’s config.json setting is "GossipPort": 8074 with whole number input.

Streaming Port

The port used for streaming data between servers.

This feature’s config.json setting is "StreamingPort": 8075 with whole number input.

Inter-Node Listen Address

Deprecated. Not used in version 4.0 and later

The address the Mattermost Server will listen on for inter-node communication. When setting up your network you should secure the listen address so that only machines in the cluster have access to that port. This can be done in different ways, for example, using IPsec, security groups, or routing tables.

Inter-Node URLs

Deprecated. Not used in version 4.0 and later

A list of all the machines in the cluster, separated by commas, for example, ["", ""]. It is recommended to use the internal IP addresses so all the traffic can be secured.

This feature’s config.json setting is "InterNodeUrls": [] with string input.

Performance Monitoring

Available in Enterprise Edition E20

Enable Performance Monitoring

True: Mattermost enables performance monitoring collection and profiling. Please see documentation to learn more about configuring performance monitoring for Mattermost.

False: Mattermost performance monitoring is disabled.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Enable": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Listen Address

The address the Mattermost server will listen on to expose performance metrics.

This feature’s config.json setting is "InterNodeListenAddress": ":8067" with string input.

Settings configurable only in config.json

There are a number of settings customizable in config.json unavailable in the System Console and require updating from the file itself.

Service Settings

License File Location

Path and filename of the license file on disk. On startup, if Mattermost cannot find a valid license in the database from a previous upload, it looks here. It can be an absolute path, or a path relative to the mattermost directory.

This feature’s config.json setting is "LicenseFileLocation": "" with string input.

Cluster Log Timeout

This setting defines the frequency of cluster request time logging for Performance Monitoring (E20), measured in milliseconds.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ClusterLogTimeoutMilliseconds": 2000 with whole number input.

Enable Searching of Posts

If this setting is enabled, users can search messages. Disabling search can result in a performance increase, but users get an error message when they attempt to use the search box.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnablePostSearch": true with options true and false.

Enable User Typing Messages

This setting determines whether “user is typing...” messages are displayed below the message box. Disabling the setting in larger deployments may improve server performance.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableUserTypingMessages": "true" with string input.

Time Between User Typing Updates

This setting defines how frequently “user is typing...” messages are updated, measured in milliseconds.

This feature’s config.json setting is "TimeBetweenUserTypingUpdatesMilliseconds": 5000 with whole number input.

Enable User Status Updates

Turn status updates off to improve performance. When status updates are off, users appear online only for brief periods when posting a message, and only to members of the channel in which the message is posted.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableUserStatuses": true with options true and false.

Enable Channel Viewed WebSocket Messages

This setting determines whether channel_viewed WebSocket events are sent, which synchronize unread notifications across clients and devices. Disabling the setting in larger deployments may improve server performance.

This feature’s config.json setting is "EnableChannelViewedMessages": true with options true and false.

Segment Write Key

Removed in March 16, 2017 release

For deployments seeking additional tracking of system behavior using, you can enter a Segment WRITE_KEY using this field. This value works like a tracking code and is used in client-side Javascript and will send events to attributed to the account you used to generate the WRITE_KEY.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SegmentDeveloperKey": "" with string input.

WebSocket Secure Port

(Optional) This setting defines the port on which the secured WebSocket will listen using the wss protocol. Otherwise it defaults to 443. When the client attempts to make a WebSocket connection it first checks to see if the page is loaded with HTTPS. If so, it will use the secure WebSocket connection. If not, it will use the unsecure WebSocket connection. IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED PRODUCTION DEPLOYMENTS ONLY OPERATE UNDER HTTPS AND WSS.

This feature’s config.json setting is "WebsocketSecurePort" : 443 with whole number input.

WebSocket Port

(Optional) this setting defines the port on which the unsecured WebSocket will listen using the ws protocol. Otherwise it defaults to 80. When the client attempts to make a WebSocket connection it first checks to see if the page is loaded with HTTPS. If so, it will use the secure WebSocket connection. If not, it will use the unsecure WebSocket connection. IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED PRODUCTION DEPLOYMENTS ONLY OPERATE UNDER HTTPS AND WSS.

This feature’s config.json setting is WebsocketPort": 80 with whole number input.

SQL Settings

Read Replicas (Enterprise Edition)

Specifies the connection strings for the read replica databases. Each string must be in the same form as used for the Data Source setting. A server restart is required for changes to this setting to take effect.

This feature’s config.json setting is "DataSourceReplicas": [] with a comma-separated list of database connection strings as input.

Search Replicas (Enterprise Edition)

Specifies the connection strings for the search replica databases. A search replica is similar to a read replica, but is used only for handling search queries. Each string must be in the same form as used for the Data Source setting. A server restart is required for changes to this setting to take effect.

This feature’s config.json setting is "DataSourceSearchReplicas": [] with a comma-separated list of database connection strings as input.

User Status Away Timeout

This setting defines the number of seconds after which the user’s status indicator changes to “Away”, when they are away from Mattermost.

This feature’s config.json setting is "UserStatusAwayTimeout": 300 with whole number input.

File Settings

Initial Font

Font used in auto-generated profile pics with colored backgrounds.

This feature’s config.json setting is "InitialFont": "luximbi.ttf" with string input.

Amazon S3 Region

AWS region you selected for creating your S3 bucket. Refer to AWS Reference Documentation and choose this variable from the Region column.

This feature’s config.json setting is "AmazonS3Region": "" with string input.

Amazon S3 Bucket Endpoint

Set an endpoint URL for Amazon S3 buckets.

Removed in November 16th, 2016 release

This feature’s config.json setting is "AmazonS3BucketEndpoint": "" with string input.

Amazon S3 Location Constraint

True: S3 region is location constrained.

False: S3 region is not location constrained.

Removed in November 16th, 2016 release

This feature’s config.json setting is "AmazonS3LocationConstraint": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Amazon S3 Lowercase Bucket

True: S3 bucket names are fully lowercase.

False: S3 bucket names may contain uppercase and lowercase letters.

Removed in November 16th, 2016 release

This feature’s config.json setting is "AmazonS3LowercaseBucket": false with options true and false for above settings respectively.

Amazon S3 Signature V2

By default, Mattermost uses Signature V4 to sign API calls to AWS, but under some circumstances, V2 is required. For more information about when to use V2, see

True: Use Signature Version 2 Signing Process

False: Use Signature Version 4 Signing Process

This feature’s config.json setting is "AmazonS3SignV2": false with options true and false.

Email Batching Buffer Size

Specify the maximum number of notifications batched into a single email.

This feature’s config.json setting is EmailBatchingBufferSize": 256 with whole number input

Email Batching Interval

Specify the maximum frequency, in seconds, which the batching job checks for new notifications. Longer batching intervals will increase performance.

This feature’s config.json setting is EmailBatchingInterval": 30 with whole number input

Skip Server Certificate Verification

True: Do not validate SMTP servers when connecting to them.

False: Validate SMTP servers when connecting to them.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SkipServerCertificateVerification": false with options true and false.


Standard setting for OAuth to determine the scope of information shared with OAuth client. Not currently supported by GitLab OAuth.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Scope": "" with string input.


Standard setting for OAuth to determine the scope of information shared with OAuth client. Recommended setting is profile email.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Scope": "profile email" with string input.


Standard setting for OAuth to determine the scope of information shared with OAuth client. Recommended setting is User.Read.

This feature’s config.json setting is "Scope": "User.Read" with string input

Block Profile Rate

Value that controls the fraction of goroutine blocking events reported in the blocking profile.

The profiler aims to sample an average of one blocking event per rate nanoseconds spent blocked.

To include every blocking event in the profile, set the rate to 1. To turn off profiling entirely, set the rate to 0.

This feature’s config.json setting is "BlockProfileRate": "0" with decimal and whole number input between 0 and 1.

Analytics Settings

Available in Enterprise Edition E10 and higher

Maximum Users for Statistics

Sets the maximum number of users on the server before statistics for total posts, total hashtag posts, total file posts, posts per day, and active users with posts per day are disabled.

This setting is used to maximize performance for large Enterprise deployments.

This feature’s config.json setting is "MaxUsersForStatistics": 2500 with whole number input