GitLab Single Sign-On

Configure Mattermost to use GitLab as a single sign-on (SSO) service for team creation, account creation, and user sign-in.

Step 1: Add an OAuth application to your GitLab account

  1. Sign in to your GitLab account and go to https://{gitlab-site-name}/profile/applications. For {gitlab-site-name} use the name of your GitLab instance. If you are using GitLab itself as your OAuth provider, use
  2. Add a new application:
  1. In the Name field, type Mattermost.
  2. In the Redirect URI field add the following two lines, using your own value for {mattermost-site-name}.

If your GitLab instance is not set up to use SSL, your URIs must begin with http:// instead of https://.

  1. In the Scopes section, select api.
  1. Click Save application.

Keep the GitLab window open because you need the Application Id and Secret when you configure Mattermost.

Step 2: Configure Mattermost for GitLab SSO

  1. On your Mattermost server, add the Application Id and the Secret to the GitLab settings section in the config.json file:
  1. Open config.json as root in a text editor. It’s usually in /opt/mattermost/config but might be elsewhere on your system.
  2. Locate the GitLabSettings section and add or update the following information:
"GitLabSettings": {
    "Enable": true,
    "Secret": "{mattermost-app-secret-from-gitlab}",
    "Id": "{mattermost-app-application-id-from-gitlab}",
    "Scope": "",
    "AuthEndpoint": "https://{gitlab-site-name}/oauth/authorize",
    "TokenEndpoint": "https://{gitlab-site-name}/oauth/token",
    "UserApiEndpoint": "https://{gitlab-site-name}/api/v3/user"

For {gitlab-site-name} use the name of your GitLab instance. If your GitLab instance is not set up to use SSL, the endpoints must begin with http:// instead of https://. If you are using GitLab itself as your OAuth provider, use

  1. [Optional] To force all users to sign-up with SSO only, in the EmailSettings section of config.json set EnableSignUpWithEmail to false.
  2. Restart your Mattermost server.

On Ubuntu 14.04 and RHEL 6: sudo restart mattermost

On Ubuntu 16.04 and RHEL 7: sudo systemctl restart mattermost

After the server restarts, users must change their sign-in method before they can sign in with GitLab.