Installing Developer Components on Mac OS XΒΆ

Set up your development environment for building, running, and testing Mattermost.

  1. If you are developing with the Docker container, install and configure Docker CE:
  1. Follow the Docker installation instructions at
  2. Edit your /etc/hosts file to include the following line:     dockerhost
  1. Download and install Brew, which you’ll use for installing dependencies. Follow the Brew installation instructions at
  2. Install Node.js, Yarn, libpng, and Go:
brew install node yarn libpng go
  1. Set up your Go workspace:
  1. mkdir ~/go
  2. Add the following lines to your ~/.bashprofile file:
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
ulimit -n 8096
  1. Reload your bash configuration.
source ~/.bashprofile
  1. Fork Mattermost on GitHub from
  2. Download the Mattermost code from your forked repository:
  1. Create the directory for the code.
mkdir -p ~/go/src/
  1. Change to the directory that you created.
cd ~/go/src/
  1. Clone your Mattermost fork. In the following command, replace {username} with your GitHub username.
git clone{username}/platform.git

Now that everything is set up, you are ready to compile and run Mattermost. See Compiling Mattermost.