Troubleshooting Setup and Build

Build errors

Mac OS X: I get the following error when running make run: “Cannot connect to the Docker daemon”

If you have Docker Tools installed (as opposed to Docker for Mac), make sure docker-machine is running.

docker-machine start dev

Mac OS X: I get the following error or something similar when running make run: “Module build failed: Error: dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/libpng/lib/libpng16.16.dylib”

libpng needs to be updated because it is used by one of our dependencies. If you do not have libpng installed through Homebrew, run

brew install libpng

If you already have libpng installed through Homebrew, you can update it using the following command:

brew update && brew upgrade libpng

I get the following error when running make run: “Failed to ping db err:dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused”

It appears that your MySQL database isn’t running. If you run docker ps, you should see a line like

ecb17c10973d    mysql:5.7  "/ mysql"   2 weeks ago    Up 24 hours>3306/tcp     mattermost-mysql

If not, running make clean-docker will remove all existing Docker containers so that they’ll be recreated next time you call make run.

I get the following error when running make run: “Error starting server, err:listen tcp :8065: bind: address already in use”

There’s likely another Mattermost instance already running. You can use make stop to stop it before running make run again.

If there isn’t another copy of Mattermost running and you need to change the port that Mattermost is running on, you can do so by changing the ListenAddress setting in the ServiceSettings section of config/config.json.

Testing errors

I get the following error when running make test: t.Run undefined (type *testing.T has no field or method Run)
You need to upgrade to Go 1.8. We don’t support earlier versions than that.

Other errors

I don’t see any error messages, but I can’t access http://localhost:8065
It’s possible that the server reported an error, but it was missed because of all of the output from the JavaScript compiler. Try running make run-server by itself to see its output. If you still don’t see any error messages, continue to the next section.
I don’t see anything logged to the console when Mattermost is running
You can enable console logging in the LogSettings section of your config/config.json by setting EnableConsole to true.
I can’t log into Mattermost because I don’t have an account

You can create an account using the following command:

go run ./cmd/platform/*.go user create --email --username test1 --password mypassword

Optionally, you can make that account a System Admin with the following command:

go run ./cmd/platform/*.go user create --email --username test1 --password mypassword --system_admin